How To Manage Remote Teams Working Across Time Zones in 2024


As remote work permeates the world of working, companies are increasingly hiring across time zones. According to the State of Remote Work Report, almost 60% of remote workers claim that their organization operates across two to five time zones. In light of this, modern leaders need to be able to manage remote teams working across time zones. 

If you’re hiring across time zones for the first time, this guide will show you how to streamline communication and collaboration. We will also offer practical advice for facilitating cross-border communication.

How Does Time Zone Affect Remote Team Communication?

Time zones impact teams in a number of ways, the primary one being difficulties with collaboration and communication. Suppose your company has a marketing team based across three time zones: Nairobi, Tokyo, and Chicago. 

The Nairobi team is going strong when the Tokyo team is finishing up their workday. At the same time, the Chicago team is just getting started on their morning. The team’s overall efficiency and cohesiveness are affected by this work-hour misalignment, which makes it difficult to collaborate in real-time.

Other issues include the possibility of delays and communication breakdowns brought on by different work schedules. Scheduling meetings will likely be a puzzle, and reacting fast enough to pressing problems could be harder. 

In order to prevent the disadvantages of having a remote team from outweighing the advantages, these problems must be addressed as soon as possible.

On the positive side, a significant benefit of having a remote team is that you can access a global pool of talent, each bringing unique skills and perspectives. 

We spoke to Sammy Hardesty, Head of PR at Heaven Media, for our piece, and he had this to say: “Managing a fully remote team doesn’t come without some challenges, but having people working in different time zones is a game-changer for our clients. It essentially means we can work almost fully around the clock on our clients, and we can also accommodate different stakeholders, for example, if you have a team in the UK and an HQ in the US, or vice versa.”

How to Manage Remote Teams Working Across Time Zones

For remote team leaders to be successful over the long term, effectively managing time zones is mandatory. According to a 2023 Buffer survey, 19% of remote workers stated that working with clients and colleagues who are spread out across different time zones is very difficult.

Let’s dive into some ways you can mitigate this problem efficiently:

1. Know Your Remote Team Preferred Work Hours

In order to effectively handle time zones, one of the most important strategies is to learn the ideal work hours of each individual member of the team. It is possible to arrange critical meetings and work during overlapping hours if you are aware of the times when your team is most active. This will increase the likelihood of successful collaboration.

It is important to establish a system that allows team members, particularly those traveling or working abroad, to routinely update their working hours and location. This allows managers to grasp the team’s availability and manage their expectations.

2. Create Flexible Work Schedules and Virtual Process

The key to effectively managing a remote team across time zones is flexibility. Promote flexible work arrangements that can satisfy project deadlines and account for different time zones. 

Communication can be streamlined by putting in place rigorous virtual processes, such as shared project management tools and thoroughly documented workflows. Adopt time zone-neutral collaborative platforms to minimize disruptions from varying working hours and enable team members to contribute when they are available. 

3. Create a Remote Communication and Collaboration Policy

Establishing a clear communication and collaboration policy is essential for teams working across different time zones. You can define expectations for response times, preferred communication channels, and guidelines for sharing updates. 

Also, include provisions for regular check-ins, either through virtual meetings or written updates to maintain a sense of cohesion within the team. A well-written policy can greatly lower miscommunications and increase output in general.

Basically, communication is the glue that holds everything together at work. There are three main effects of poor workplace communication, according to business leaders polled for the State of Business Communication 2023 report:

  • Of them, 43% stated that ineffective communication lowers productivity.
  • According to 42% of them, extended timelines and missed deadlines are the worst effects of poor communication.
  • 38% of the leaders noted that poor communication affects finances.

4. Schedule Meetings When Everyone is Available

Meetings must be scheduled to accommodate everyone’s schedules in order to be effective. Make use of scheduling tools that account for time zone variations and suggest times for meetings that work for everyone on the team. 

If significant time zone differences make in-person meetings difficult, think about switching up the meeting times so that no team member is ever at a disadvantage. Furthermore, for those who are unable to attend in person, gaps can be filled by sharing thorough summaries and recording meetings.

Gareth Hoyle, Managing Director at Marketing Signals, had this to say about scheduling for remote teams, “When scheduling (these) meetings, it’s important to respect everyone’s time zones and working hours. I’d never want one of my overseas team members to have to log on ridiculously late at night, or in the early hours of the morning, just because that’s a convenient time for my UK team. Equally, I wouldn’t want these team members to miss the team meetings and end up feeling disconnected or isolated.”

5. Use Asynchronous Communication Properly

Asynchronous communication, where team members don’t need to be online simultaneously, is a powerful tool for remote teams in different time zones. 

As Scott Lieberman, Founder of Touchdown Money, opines, “My remote workers are in time zones all over the world. So I try to allow asynchronous work. Simply, that means people can work on their own schedules without the need to collaborate at the same time.”

Encourage the use of collaboration platforms that allow for threaded discussions, document sharing, and feedback at each team member’s convenience. 

This approach not only respects individual working hours but also provides a written record for future reference, fostering transparency and accountability.

6. Be Specific on Date and Time When Scheduling Task 

Managing tasks across time zones requires clarity. Indicate whether the deadline is based on the employee’s local time or the manager’s time zone. You should also specify it in a format that is easily understood by all. 

Making expectations clear to everyone ensures everyone is on the same page regarding project timelines and helps avoid confusion. The successful completion of remote projects can be greatly impacted by this small but important detail.

7. Use the Right Tools and Technology

The significance of using appropriate tools and technology in remote team management cannot be emphasized enough. Invest in communication software, project management tools, and collaborative platforms that are designed with remote teams’ unique requirements in mind. 

For your remote team, a comprehensive tech stack must include cloud-based file sharing, instant messaging, and video conferencing. Keep your toolkit up to date and regularly evaluated to stay ahead of emerging tech trends.

Streamline Communication For Teams in Different Time Zones

The ability to manage remote teams working across time zones will become increasingly important as we move into the future of work. This will determine the success of an organization. Time zone differences can be tricky but can also be a source of innovation, growth, and increased productivity.

Organizations can simplify cross-border effective communication by recognizing the impact of time zone differences, putting flexible schedules into place, establishing policies, and using the right tools. This comprehensive approach ensures continued success for remote teams.


What Are the Benefits of Working Across Time Zones?

One main advantage that companies enjoy is access to a worldwide talent pool, which promotes diversity and unites individuals with different perspectives. It encourages productivity around the clock, as team members in various locations contribute at various times. 

How Do You Manage Working Across Time Zones?

One main advantage that companies enjoy is access to a worldwide talent pool, which promotes diversity and unites individuals with different perspectives. It encourages productivity around the clock, as team members in various locations contribute at various times. 

How Does Time Zone Affect Communication?

Time zone differences can impact communication in several ways, including making it challenging to arrange meetings and delaying response times. Strategic management techniques, however, can lessen these difficulties and enable remote teams to work and communicate properly across time zones.

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